万智牌proxy 蓝芯和黑芯的区别

杂七杂八 7年前 (2017) TONYHEAD
153 0

It is very high quality as it will pass: bend,light,rip,water testing
Extremely high quality print with crisp text and colors
This is a blue core paper stock
It is very high quality as it will pass: bend,light,rip,water testing
Extremely high quality print with crisp text and colors
This is a black core card stock
(Much higher quality then blue core)
Same thickness and ridged (not like the blue core cards that are thin and flimsy)


版权声明:TONYHEAD 发表于 2017-10-23 20:26。
转载请注明:万智牌proxy 蓝芯和黑芯的区别 | PTCG.cn 卡牌网
